Tuesday, September 28, 2010

He was graceful enough to let me see who got booted. Bye, Micheal. Geez, I have to stomach 1 more week of the Situation. 3 strikes your out!! Week 3 has to be his week to go!!!
Sorry, I missed everything after the Macy's dancers. I know - what a horrible blogger, but I had to put my kids to bed. I did get a glimpse of Seal's performance and it wasn't good... It's a shame 'cuase he's awesome and so is Heidi, but the performance really wasn't on point. Now my husband has taken the remote. I don't know if I can regain control of the TV...and I just don't feel like getting up and going to the living room. I'm already all snuggled up in my bed waiting for the rain to come. :)
Show me the legs, Tony!!!! Corky is hysterical! He can't go out and smell the floor? LOL!!

The Macy's stars of dance was amazing!!!!!!
LOL! Florence is funny!!

Boo gate... LOL! OK, the press is a bit ridiculous. I'm not a Sarah Palin fan, but why would people be booing for no good reason. We are at least fair. We don't just boo to boo.

There is justice! The Sit is in the bottom. Please, please, please let him go.

Dancing w/ the Stars week 2 - Elimination

Brunno was harsh. Micheal can't dance to safe his life, but a 3, come on??

The elimination episode is always so drawn out...
At least he realizes it was weird! Emma is the most stable person on this episode.

I'm starting to get upset. Rachael is annoying me. I can't believe she had Quinn try to seduce him. Now she's balling her eyes out in the closing song...

Oh, sweet Jesus, I love you, I truly do! Next Tuesday is all about Jesus. I really hope hope they don't get offensive. You do NOT joke about God.
Rachael is so dramatic. I love it!!! I didn't realize Fin was so tall or maybe that Rachael was so short. Asking him to choose either her or football was totally ridiculous.

When Shu does his thing in class it's cool. When he's performing with the kids, it makes him look like a pedophile. Please DON'T do that again!! If the show that disgusting kid exciting himself one more time, I'm boycotting! It makes my stomach turn. Yuk!!
Even the guys are getting into some Britney action!!! It was a fantasy - I wish they would have gotten him out of the wheelchair to dance.

I'm liking this new coach! Not loving Shu's idea to perform Britney Spears with the group...
Gross! That poofy haired nerd guy is so gross!

Shu is way too desperate! It is both hilarious and super sad! The ex-wife is still around?

What!? Did I not say that poofy haired guy was NASTY. That might have been a bit much! I'm so disturbed!!??!!
Glee is back!!! Today's episode is definitely not for kids, but it is definitely what Glee is all about.

I hate to say this, but I totally want Shu to back off! I want Emma to stay with Karl for a while. I want a few more episode of Stamos!

This is so what a I missed - the breaking into song every 2 minutes! Oh... and they can all sing better than Ms. Spears. Was I the only one that noticed that?

Glee 09/28

I'm loving this episode already! Welcome Mr. STAMOS!!!

LOL! Blue teeth people. I have cavities in all my teeth too!

Britney is killing it!! Man she can dance! She has put the real Britney to SHAME!

Monday, September 27, 2010

What!? Where was the 3 for the Situation. He should not have gotten anything over a 5?

Bristol was pretty good. I thought she improved from last week. I agree with Len. She just needs to come out of her shell a little bit.

Fingers crossed that after tomorrow I no longer have to endure the pain of watching the situation dance!
Kurt was not bad at all. I thought it was cute how he was sing the song as he danced.

Is Brooke on a one woman island? Again with it was a shocker to see the Hoff go? Brooke, we weren't shocked! Get over it! You know what's a shock? That they didn't do a dual elimination and the Situation wasn't booted as well. He is HORRIBLE. If anyone goes but him, I would be flabbergasted. He's horrible! Did I say that already? Horrible!
I love Kyle. He just makes me smile! :) Smile, Smile, Smile. :)
Well she totally shut me up! Drink as much coffee as you want! That was great! Jennifer totally killed it!! See just took the best of the night slot so far. Derek is an awesome choreographer!

Margaret was good, but I missed some of the comedy... That is her. I wish they would have put just a tiny bit of it in there. :(
LOL!! LOL!! They better show Tony's wax adventure and his new shinny legs on the show.

What is going on with Jennifer. Man, she's perky today. Get her off the coffee!
Yeahee!!! Go Audrina Go! The best improvement so far. See Len agreed with me.
LOL! Poor Michael! Thank God he can sing! LOL!! LOL!! He was funny. I thought he was the comedian.
Florance is surprising... the stepping on the foot lucked mechanical and not funny this time around.

Brandi was whining a bit too much in her practice clip. Her legs were weird... (maybe it was do to those bright stockings, but it just looked a bit sloppy. Her solo was the best part. I think she's got potential. I still expect way more from her, though.

Dancing w/ the Stars week 2

Totally impressed with Rick Fox. I thought he was great! Len likes him. I saw him clapping while they were dancing.

Did you hear Brooke say that it was a shocker that the Hoff was voted off. Is she serious? Who's shocked by that?!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rachael is my favorite, but that was just cruel!!! Sunshine is awesome! These new kids are killing it!! The hand tic is a bit annoying, but she can sing.

The tic thing made me think of the counselor. Where is she?! Her and Shoo should be hot and heavy by now.

Darn Rachael!! One new kid down... Why are you singing this depressing song and wearing that even more depressing close?! What you did for love? Wow - dramatic.

Next week looks promising!! I really hope so. The season opener was a bit underwhelming. :(
Aww, the Beast was crying... and poor Finn paid the price!

Artty forget Tina, go for Mercedes... LOL! I love Finn, but he really isn't the best singer and he definitely can't dance!!!!! Don't get me wrong - I love him.

What did Santana do? They don't even look perky.


I love it so much - I can't even blog about it. I don't want to miss a minute of it. Hey, where did Matt go?

So the New York song was kind of cheesy, but I still love it!

I can't believe Tina dumped him!! He's in a wheelchair for goodness sake!? And the football coach... what the heck? I thought the other one had undergone a sex change operation. Watch it's totally him...that will come out mid season.

So far I loving the new kids... I want to be a billionaire!

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Situation - please?! Why are we extending his 2 minutes of fame? And let me just clear up something... we(I) really don't care how strong your abs are... his face is still..his face :( ...sorry, but he's just not sexy! I loved Len's comment!! "You have the guns but not the ammunition" That was priceless!S

I miss Jen Grey's old nose... Derek can choreograph. It was beautiful.

Another Looney Tooney - The Hoff. Horrible! It's The Situation in 20 years.

My prediction... either The Situation or The Hoff are out! Bye boys!!!!
I don't know... there was something I didn't like about Brandi's performance. It was good and all, but there was something about her arms I didn't like and I thought she seemed kind of angry while dancing. The old man gave them an 8? I must have missed something?

Here comes Bristol... oh, gosh... well the shake wasn't bad, but the foot work was horrible! So, I'm watching a different show, right? They said her foot work was good. Did anyone else see that?

Mrs. Brady is more than twice my age and has half my body and triple my energy. This lady looks great! I'm ashamed for my self.

Why do I expect Michael B. to be boring? And...boring it totally was. What a snore!
Do all these men go to the same dentist? Rick"s teeth are pretty amazing too! He was pretty graceful for such a tall man. In the athlete category I give it to Rick. Aww, that was sweet what he said about Cheryl. Is he dating anyone? Cheryl needs a man - doesn't she?

I love Margaret on Drop Dead Diva and she was a total Diva in her dance. I think she can totally dance. I didn't mind the funnies in her dance as much as the judges did. I didn't like the way she got up after the fake fall, but other than that she rocked it!

Dancing w/ the Stars

I was expecting a lot more from Audrina. She's so young and dated Justin-Bobby didn't she? I thought she would have had a lot more shake. Justin always seemed like the type of guy that liked pole dancers, NOT saying any derogatory towards her - I just thought she'd have a trick or two up her sleeve, but she looked a bit stiff. I still think she has some hidden potential.

Kurt wasn't too bad... but you can never really tell anything by those slow dances; especially when the partner is doing most of the work. He has GREAT teeth though!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Someone else’s mistake

In a way I believe that we all end up paying for the mistake of those who came before us. This happens in society – it wasn’t my generation that put our nation into the current recession, but we are certainly the ones paying for it. This also happens at home. We usually end up paying for the mistakes of our parents. Stop to think how many alcoholics became one – most likely they grew up with family gatherings and parties that were all centered around alcohol. They grew up thinking that to have fun you needed alcohol and that alcohol brought people together, so in order to be liked and loved you best have booze. Same thing with a sex addict – mommy and daddy were careless and maybe you found those videos or that box of toys and you were intrigued and started experimenting. Or a drug addict – maybe mom and dad experimented…you know, it’s OK when you’re a hippie – maybe they had a problem and were struggling; either way you found their stash and either to be cool or to prove that it wasn’t something that had to control your life you did it and now you’re hooked too. I’m not saying that our parents are evil and didn’t love us. I’m sure they loved us deeply and were not consciously trying to hurt us. If my theory is true then they were only paying for the mistakes of others as well. The thing is that there comes a point where we have to rise above that. There comes a point where we have to be responsible for ourselves. I’m paying for the mistakes of others is just too easy of a cop out. If we know in our hearts it’s wrong and continue to do it, then it is no longer someone else’s mistake. It is now ours. We must take ownership of our wrongdoing and correct it. We are not and cannot be responsible for those who came before us, but we most certainly are and can be responsible for ourselves. Our actions will always speak much louder than our words. No one will remember what we said a year from now, but everyone will remember what we did ten years later. What we do will also affect those who come after us. Our children will ultimately end up paying the price for our mistake, so be careful not to leave them any debt.

Quote of the Day

"Don't lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourselves and then do what is necessary to make it a reality."
        ~~ Ralph Marston